Monday, November 11, 2013

The truth is....deep down, I'm really shallow.

About 10 years ago I read an amazing book called 'The Women's Book of Dreams' and woke up to the hidden potential of the dream state.

Since then I've not only been on a great dreaming journey, learning different ways to access and harness this creative part of the mind and helping clients get in touch with their own powerful hidden resources, this year I've also established The Dream Apothecary, providing products to help people reconnect with the power of their dreams.  

One of things that has always intrigued me is lucid dreaming,  a state of consciousness where you become aware that you are dreaming and yet stay in the dream.  It has been part of the Buddhist dream yoga practise for thousands of years and Charlie Morley's wonderful new book Dreams of Awakening - Lucid Dreaming the Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep, brings a playful, yet heartfelt and spiritual approach to learning this ancient art.

New blend, new fabric
I had been working on a new blend of herbs for my Dream Pillows  so last night, aided by the lovely new aroma, I dropped into a deep dream state and had my first lucid dream!

In the dream I was in a changing room feeling confined and suddenly had the thought 'I am dreaming'.  I remembered what the book said to do when this moment arrived and did some of the checks to confirm that I was in fact dreaming.  

As soon as I confirmed it to myself it was a bit like being told you have three wishes - I know knew I had the power to change my experience of the dream and to work in a deep part of my mind.   

Dear reader, do you know the deep, profound and spiritual thing I did?  I said to myself 'Great, if I'm lucid dreaming then when I come out of the changing room and look in the mirror, I'll be a size 10'.

I may need to do more work on my dream yoga.

Dream Apothecary products will be on sale at Godalming Independent Market, 30th November and Grenville Hall, Droxford, 1st Dec. Or contact me to buy your Dream gifts for Christmas.

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