Sunday, December 23, 2012

How to avoid going Christmas Crackers - Daily tips for staying sane in the run up to Christmas.

Tip No. 12

'Forgiveness is Love on the earthly plane.' ACIM
The ancient Hawaiian forgiveness practice of Ho'oponopono (meaning to make right) is a simple way of releasing negative thoughts, it enables you to clean up your inner world and put yourself on course for a great life and healthy relationships. 

This time of year is a good time to begin an emotional detoxification process  -  you come out the other side ready for an amazing new year. So, any area of your life where you feel discord, bring it to mind and say:  'I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you'. Don't worry about the arguments your ego may want to have about who or what is right or wrong - set your course for inner-peace and let the journey begin.
Wishing you a joy-filled Christmas.

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