Monday, March 7, 2011

Workshops for Life

Its nearly Spring and you can feel the change in the air: Nature is set to burst into joyous action – so how about you? Feelings are your Life Force, the fuel that drives you. If you are feeling bad about anything it drives your actions and impacts on your life and those around you. You know, like those days when you feel so bad you would bite your own face off if you could – or is that just me? Bad feelings are like a toxic fuel, so why not re-fuel with an emotionally friendly product: Happiness?
Would You Rather Be Right or Be Happy? Is the March Workshop for Life. Its not that happy people don’t have problems, its just that they see them as opportunities for learning and growth – and that makes them happy. Happiness comes when you are willing not only to address misunderstandings but are also not afraid of change. Are you ready to harness the energy of Spring? Would you like to run your life on happiness? Come and emotionally spring clean and get the fuel you need for a happy life.

Saturday 12th March, 10 - 4.30
The Relationship Training Centre, Steep, Petersfield GU32 1AG
£30 or £45 for 2

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