Saturday, January 3, 2009

Setting the Scene for a New Year

When Susanna was going through a really rough time earlier this year I talked to her about beginning to decide what SHE wanted for her life. She started to put some goals down and shocked herself the other day when she found the list and realised she had achieved 80% of them, without – it seemed – much effort.  I helped her to see that once we give the power of the outcome to our Higher Mind, there is very little effort needed.  Which is why it is important to set goals.  It helps us make a change in our consciousness.  We are making choices all the time – everything we do we are 100% successful in, so we need to be more aware of the level of awareness from which we are making our goals.  For example, if we believe deep down that we aren’t worth it, we will begin to make decisions that lead to events and outcomes that confirm that belief.  It can be hard to address those beliefs at times, but a quick way of changing things around is to set goals.

Successful people are goal-oriented and setting goals helps you to stand out in your world, to take your life out of the ordinary.  By identifying what you want - and setting goals to achieve it –you can change your life!

There are many ways you can do this but I wanted to give you some easy pointers.  Just as an exercise in self discovery ask yourself :
How do I want to be?
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?

I did that the other day and have just looked at my list again, it seemed terrifying when I first wrote it, but now I am excited about the things I wrote down, and it doesn’t look so difficult.  Infact, I realise that today I did something to enable one of those things to happen – see what I mean about no effort!?

See website for details on our next workshop on goals: 
 2009 - A Fresh Start

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