Friday, June 14, 2013

If Maud could speak, what stories would she tell?

Maud by Will Millar
Say hello to Maud.  She is an elegant lady of about 90yrs of age.  She has worked hard all her life making and mending for the family.  Put out to 'pasture' she was found gathering dust in a junk shop, brought home, given a little love and is now as good as new.

Dear Maud is very environmentally friendly, needing nothing other than a little human endeavour to deliver wonderful even stitching and reliably produce fine pieces of sewing.

Now Maud - and her sisters - are going to get a new lease of life.  They are going to Zambia where they will help women learn new skills.  These women will not only be able to then earn money to feed and educate their children, they will develop confidence and self-worth and other valuable skills to help them with their families.

The Dream Apothecary donate a percentage of proceeds to inspirational charitable projects that make a difference to children’s lives.  Products will be for sale on Saturday,  June 15th at Godalming Independent Market.   Come and say hi and share your dreams.

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