Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Invoking my Domestic Goddess

A while ago I went on a drawing course at the amazing West Dean College.Whilst I can proudly display one of my best efforts here (its an armchair btw), I was disappointed it didn't unleash a latent artistic talent in me - or even a burning desire to draw much after that - even though I'd bought all the kit (charcoal anyone?)

I often have good artistic ideas, but the problem is most of them end up just looking half-baked.

One Christmas in an attempt to be more homespun and eco-friendly, I spent hours stamping brown paper with gold reindeer, tying the presents with gold string.  I was really enjoying the project, convinced the parcels looked like something out of Good Housekeeping until I had to leave the room to get something.  On my return I saw the parcels with fresh eyes.  Rather than the soft-focus 'Spirit of Christmas' look I had been going for, they just looked like 'brown paper packages tied up with string'.  All my artistic vision had resulted in something resembling an overstocked shelf of Parcelforce.

More Heigh Ho than Ho Ho Ho.

Another time I attempted to make an old fashioned recipe book for a friend.  I won't bore you with the details but she burst out laughing when I handed it to her.

That still hurts.

And this is why I love Kirstie Allsopp.  To me she is like a modern day Goddess; fearless, courageous and determined to unleash the latent creativity in all of us.   In her Vintage Homes programme she summons forth the creative armies of craftsmen and women to assist mere mortals on their journey of creative rediscovery.

Refusing to be defeated by failure and always leading from the front, she inspires and encourages women and men to learn new arts and crafts, to recycle, upcycle and think creatively. Those of us who may feel their creative confidence has taken a battering are feeling inspired to try again.

Creativity and self-expression are vital ingredients in a relationship.  Doing things that inspire you is enlivening and increases your sense of self-worth and well-being.  Whether its arts and crafts, singing, sport, dance, cooking or outdoor pursuits, doing something for yourself that you find fulfilling, fun and satisfying brings new energy to the relationship as you share your new sense of discovery, confidence and inspiration.

I've got a few projects of my own to develop in 2013 and, thanks to Kirstie, I am invoking my inner Domestic Goddess and setting forth on a great creative adventure.  I know there are going to be challenges along the way but I'm looking forward to the journey, the things I'll learn and the people I'll meet on the way.

Want to come along?

Sometimes the hardest part of a creative adventure is the having the confidence to start.  Is there something you've always wanted to do but never had the confidence to try?  Relationship Training helps you develop the skills and tools you need to make your dreams come true.  Contact or 07789 408378.

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